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37a Gagarina boulevard
office. 218
tel. + 7 (342) 205-52-28 
ext. 6118

Head of School of Management Maksim Kurganov

37a Gagarina boulevard
office. 219
ext. 6119

Teaching and Learning Specialist Vlada Stepanenko
Set-aside auctions and small businesses’ participation in public procurement: an empirical analysis

Elena Shadrina, Valbonesi P., Tkachenko A. et al.

Applied Economics. 2025. P. 1-15.

Book chapter
Approach to Studying Information Dissemination in Social Networks with Simulation Tools

Kolesnikov A., Zamyatina E., Lyadova L. N. et al.

In bk.: 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2024), 25 - 27 Serptember 2024, Turin, Italy. Turin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. P. 1-6.

Working paper
The impact of sensory characteristics on the willingness to pay for honey.

Zaripova J., Чуприянова К. С., Polyakova I. et al.

General Economics :: arXiv :: Cornell Univerisity. arXiv:2311. Cornell University, 2023


Ekaterina Zagorodnova Spoke at International Conference in London

Ekaterina Zagorodnova Spoke at International Conference in London
24th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL) took place at the Imperial College London on 12-13 September. HSE-Perm was represented by Ekaterina Zagorodnova, Dean of the Part-Time Education Faculty of Economics and Management, Associate Professor of the School of Management.

2016 in Review: The Year’s Major Events at HSE in Perm

2016 in Review: The Year’s Major Events at HSE in Perm
In 2016 we attempted a review of the outgoing academic year. Please see the big interview with Galina Volodina, campus director, about the most important issues for the university. But since then a lot has happened and a lot has been achieved. So, what else will we remember from 2016?

Anastasia Bozhya-Volya Has Passed Refresher Training Courses in London

Anastasia Bozhya-Volya, senior research fellow of the Centre for Private-Public Interactions, has passed refresher training programme “2016 STATA WINTER SCHOOL” in London.

How to Predict Attendance of Theatre Performances: Discussion at GAMES Seminar

How to Predict Attendance of Theatre Performances: Discussion at GAMES Seminar
Will the theatre auditorium be full of spectators or will the seats remain empty? Which factors does it depend on? For any theatre the prediction of attendance for specific plays is an important vital task while for academics it is an interesting research work.

Kenneth Wang at HSE Perm

Kenneth Wang at HSE Perm
Kenneth T. Wang, Associate Professor of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary and an expert in management and education psychology, recently visited HSE in Perm to deliver a series of seminars for HSE students, lecturers, and researchers.

Organizational Culture in the High Tech Sector

Sarah Busse Spencer, Associate Professor at the School of Management at HSE Perm, presented the results of research into the organizational culture within Russian high tech companies at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, held August 20-23, 2016, in Seattle, Washington.

US Education Expert Gives Seminar at HSE Perm

US Education Expert Gives Seminar at HSE Perm
David Schwarzer (PHd in Education, Montclair State University, USA) has given a seminar on the globalization of educational programmes for lecturers at HSE Perm.

HSE in Perm’s Success Home and Abroad

Galina Volodina, Director of the HSE Campus in Perm, spoke about the results of this year of studies and research.

HSE Master’s Student Measured the Level of Happiness Using Instagram

Mark Evlampiev, student of the Master’s programme 'Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, and Implementation Technologies', measured the level of happiness in the urban environment using data from the social network Instagram in the city of Perm.

Kseniya Baydina Participated in Conference on Sports Economics

Kseniya Baydina Participated in Conference on Sports Economics
Kseniya Baydina, 3rd-year student of the bachelor’s programme in Management, presented her report ‘Uncertainty of Outcome and Attendance: Evidence from Russian Football’ at the 20th Conference of the German Association of Sport Economics and Sport Management, held at the University of Tuebingen.