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37a Gagarina boulevard
office. 218
tel. + 7 (342) 205-52-28 
ext. 6118

Head of School of Management Maksim Kurganov

37a Gagarina boulevard
office. 219
ext. 6119

Teaching and Learning Specialist Vlada Stepanenko
Set-aside auctions and small businesses’ participation in public procurement: an empirical analysis

Elena Shadrina, Valbonesi P., Tkachenko A. et al.

Applied Economics. 2025. P. 1-15.

Book chapter
Approach to Studying Information Dissemination in Social Networks with Simulation Tools

Kolesnikov A., Zamyatina E., Lyadova L. N. et al.

In bk.: 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2024), 25 - 27 Serptember 2024, Turin, Italy. Turin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. P. 1-6.

Working paper
The impact of sensory characteristics on the willingness to pay for honey.

Zaripova J., Чуприянова К. С., Polyakova I. et al.

General Economics :: arXiv :: Cornell Univerisity. arXiv:2311. Cornell University, 2023

Winter Campaign for Course Selection Starts on December 6

Winter Campaign for Course Selection Starts on December 6
Electives, MAGOLEGO, English and university-wide courses

HSE University in Perm: The Upcoming Anniversary

On September 12, 1997, HSE University in Perm was established by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. A year later, the university enrolled its first students.

HSE University-Perm Students to Prepare Recommendations on Improving Uralchem Business Processes

HSE University-Perm Students to Prepare Recommendations on Improving Uralchem Business Processes
Students of the Bachelor’s in Business Administration are working on a project to improve the efficiency of laboratory work at Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers (VMF). In their six months of working with the company, they have conducted a full study of analytical control schedules, identified the most labour-intensive processes and types of laboratory analysis, and taken part in a poster session in July.

HSE University Places Among the World’s Top 25 Universities in ТНЕ Emerging Economies Ranking

HSE University Places Among the World’s Top 25 Universities in ТНЕ Emerging Economies Ranking
HSE University has ranked among the top 25 universities worldwide in the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies ranking and is one of Russia’ three  best universities.

HSE University – Perm Students Participate in an International Sustainable Development Project

HSE University – Perm Students Participate in an International Sustainable Development Project
Students of the Business Management programme have published their research stories on the AIM2Flourish international platform. These stories are about modern sustainable innovations in business.

Perm to Become Pilot City in Adaptation of International City Prosperity Index (CPI) in Russia

Perm to Become Pilot City in Adaptation of International City Prosperity Index (CPI) in Russia
HSE University specialists have joined the Adaptation of UN City Development Indices project. The first working meeting took place at HSE-Perm on May 13.

HSE Researchers at IRSPM Annual Conference

HSE Researchers at IRSPM Annual Conference
This year the XXII IRSPM Annual Conference was dedicated to “Creating and Co-Creating Value in Public Service Delivery.”

Iuliia Papushina Spoke at University of Aarhus

Iuliia Papushina Spoke at University of Aarhus
On March 8-9, Iuliia Papushina, Associate Professor of the School of Management, took part in the interdisciplinary conference “The Body of Things: Gender, Material Culture and Design in (Post)Soviet Russia” which was organized by the University of Aarhus.

Natalya Yakusheva Spoke at Research Seminar of School of Management

Natalya Yakusheva Spoke at Research Seminar of School of Management
On March 6, Natalya Yakusheva, professor of the University of Helsinki,  Helsinki  Institute of Sustainability, presented her paper “Sustainability research at the University of Helsinki: what is on the agenda? Perspectives from political scientist.”

Elena Shadrina Took Part in Paris Workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement

Elena Shadrina Took Part in Paris Workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement
In the middle of October UN Environment held a workshop “Revision of the Sustainable Public Procurement Implementation Guidelines”. Elena Shadrina, Associate Professor of the HSE-Perm’s School of Management, took part in the workshop as an expert.
All news