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The School of Management aims to provide a methodological basis and high quality teaching and research in management. It was established in 2014 and currently it has over 40 academic staff including researchers and lecturers. Research projects cover a broad range of issues such as organizational behaviour and personnel loyalty, project and process management, public administration, place marketing, quality management in education, etc.
Vol. 2479. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019.
Iu. Nasu, M.S. Drobinin, M.S. Efanov et al.
Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS. 2024. Vol. 36. No. 2. P. 83-90.
Kolesnikov A., Zamyatina E., Lyadova L. N. et al.
In bk.: 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2024), 25 - 27 Serptember 2024, Turin, Italy. Turin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. P. 1-6.
Zaripova J., Чуприянова К. С., Polyakova I. et al.
General Economics :: arXiv :: Cornell Univerisity. arXiv:2311. Cornell University, 2023
Yulia Papushina, Associate Professor at the Department of General Management, spoke on ‘Soviet and non-Soviet in the Apprehension of Urban Art Festival: the Case Study of the Festival “White Nights in Perm” – 2012’ at the BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) 2014 Annual Conference, which took place on April 5-7, 2014, at the University of Cambridge.
This conference is one of the most respected expert forums on various aspects of development of Eastern Europe and post-Soviet states. The conference organizing body, BASEES, has existed since 1989 and brings together two national associations of researchers of Russian and Eastern Europe. The conference attracted over 400 participants, who presented on the whole spectrum of social sciences, from economics to political science, from philology to architecture studies.
The Higher School of Economics was represented at the conference with separate presentations by Valeria Kasamara and Natalia Ikonnikova, and as part of the panel ‘Politics: Between political protest and civic apathy: limits of political participation in Russia’.