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Департамент призван обеспечить методическое единство и высокий уровень качества исследовательской и учебной деятельности в рамках направления «Менеджмент». Департамент создан в 2014 году путем слиянием кафедр общего менеджмента, стратегического менеджмента и государственного и муниципального управления.
Пермь: Редакционно-издательский отдел НИУ ВШЭ-Пермь, 2024.
Котомина О. В., Третьякова Е. А.
ЭКО. 2024. № 6. С. 118-136.
Kolesnikov A., Zamyatina E., Lyadova L. N. et al.
In bk.: 2024 IEEE 18th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT 2024), 25 - 27 Serptember 2024, Turin, Italy. Turin: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024. P. 1-6.
Zaripova J., Чуприянова К. С., Polyakova I. et al.
General Economics :: arXiv :: Cornell Univerisity. arXiv:2311. Cornell University, 2023
Аннотация доклада: Two types of business models are the most common for SaaS: freemium (FM) and free-trial (FT). Both models offer a free mode of consumption to the customer. The difference between the models is their functionality and time period. The recent analysis of the top - 200 SaaS products illustrated that these models are used almost equally and there is no strong correlation between product / company characteristics and chosen business model (Klein, 2020). While researchers confirm the advantages of free trial model for SaaS b2c companies (Koch and Benlian, 2016), there is no empirical evidence for SaaS b2b. The purpose of this research is to investigate the preferability of FT or FM business model for b2b SaaS with regard to the customer value. Дискуссант: профессор РЭШ Дарья Дзябура, PhD MIT.